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Hallo Chris

Genial Mods machst du. ich frage kannst du evtl einen Pflug machen so um die 20 bis 30 meter und der eine geschwindikeit hat von ca 30km/h


Guido aus der Schweiz 

Hello Chris  You're making brilliant mods. I'm asking, can you possibly make a plow around 20 to 30 meters and that has a speed of around 30km/h  greeting Guido from Switzerland

great thanks man

Keep up the awesome work Chris. If you have questions, let me know. I can still help when I can.

Thanks JTerk! Appreciate it man!


this is LOUNGEFLY2.  I just found this on other third-party sites? U download on them?


Hey LOUNGEFLY! Yeaaah this definitely caught me off guard. Didnt fully have this setup before bots found it. I was going to wait until 4.1 released prior to releasing this. Oh well. Thanks again my friend!